`rjtouchrugby <3!
`<3 GOONG :D
FELICIA CHIN <3! LINJUNJIE meirenyu! <3333!
MINGDAO <3! brad pitt. chad.



LA and vegas!;
PROM <3(:;
guides bbq! <3(:;


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Thursday, February 28, 2008
heehee tmr is quite an exciting day! the 29th of february haha (: and today we were randomly discussing the irish tradition, that if girls ask out on this day, they can't reject hahaa. so actually tomorrow would be quite a nice rare day (just because of its significance haha) if not for the fact that we have gp cts Oo

haha shall blog about the week when i have more time.

need to sleep now since RAP really killed half my brain cells haha

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
): i miss so many people now but stupid cts are preventing me from going out with a lot of people ):

Monday, February 25, 2008
(: as i was burning photos for jiaks all the memories made me smile (: yet the time when we were so carefree seems so long ago and distant :/

but ahh (: this is why being a camwhore is good :D

Sunday, February 24, 2008
hmm actually i wanted to type something, but i decided that it's more special if it's kept inside.

but maybe one day i'll let you know (:

yay the week just gets better (:

friday was slacking around after school with pok jolyn, before being joined by jeremy and then jiaks haha! and then went home and slept until like 9 ><

haha! saturday had h3 in the morning, before rushing and wasting my money cabbing down to turf city for stl. where we played the nus alumni and got thrashed, but nevertheless enjoyed ourselves. many thanks goes out to our wonderful juniors, who came down to support us and made wonderful posters for us! pity the first match that they have to watch us play, we got thrashed haha! and in usual touch rug fashion, especially with pretty boards around, it was camwhoring time!

our very successful jump shot!
heehee this is quite funny!

cabbed to karen's house with angel shiya and karen (duh) afterwards where we bathed. and by the time we were done, it was so late, our original plan to study had to be abandoned as we rushed to serene centre for dinner at macs and ice cream before rushing to school and making it just in time for dramafeste! hmm i think last year's plays were better in general, but this year's weren't that bad either. haha and the acting was not bad, angel and i teared at bw's haha!

and here, i shall credit angel and her incredible sweetness (: because i think mt's play at one point said something like: sometimes, just take a minute a day to tell the people that you love, that you love them. and at that moment, angel very abruptly tapped me (and i thought she was going to say something else), but then she said: i love you! and i just burst out laughing because it was so random and nice and cute and sweet and everything else, i felt so bad for laughing because it was the climax of mt's scene i think! and we were sitting front row ><

went for supper with sabrina after that, which was good food and good company combined yay! considering i havent caught up with her properly in weeks!

bong the retard whose wallet fell on the parapet! hahahhaa (:

and with random juniors haha!

this morning (okay fine, afternoon!) i woke up at 2.15 to jolyn's call, when i was supposed to be at the nlb at two! but no, jolyn didnt call about he nlb rap meeting, she called to tell me jj was going to be at bugis! haha so i got out of home and reached bugis slightly befor 3, just seconds before jj made his arrival! and managed to catch him singing a few songs before we left guiltily for rap meeting haha!


Thursday, February 21, 2008
this week has been great!

monday wasn't that good during the day, and i was seriously quite annoyed after a while, but at night i had a phone call with melanie for really long, and that made me feel a whole lot better yay <3 cousins ftw!

tuesday was my date with val before training once again, where we had loads to talk about (: and of course as always, i love my weekly catch up sessions with my dear bf haha! and i'm glad we still get to catch up, although it's so ironic that we're seeing each other much less than we were during the hols cos of storyline etc haha!

wednesday met princess for guides, where we had lunch first and mugged a few hours at macs before going back haha so reminiscent of old times (: and it's glad to know that we aren't that rusty with our skills and everything haha!

today was o2, and i'm really gla my og's really nice and enthu! spent the day intermittently talking to shun, weiyuan and janelle, and the bite race was not bad haha we ate quite a bit and ended up at pizza hut for lunch before going back to school. haha it was quite short in general, but it was nice talking to my oglings and catching up with augie again haha! then after it ended karen and i decided to go to island creamery on a whim (: and we walked past the canteen where we met bong and becky and they laughed at my ezlink ): and karen's too haha! and we have decided that our cards are so fondly-ugly haha! and yeah island creamery was great, both the ice cream and the company (: and how things have changed, and sometimes it's really funny looking back and laughing haha!

so yes, as you can see by all the smiley faces in this entry, yijun is happy once again (: YAY haha actually friends just make me happy so yay for friends <3!

BUT. there is a big ): because it's almost the end of week 8, and i haven't started studying and have no intention to because i have no time! ah ):

Monday, February 18, 2008
ohwell just felt like doing this.

1. What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before? hmm.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions and will you make more for next year?nope. i actually never have new year resolutions haha. these kind of things tend to be spontaneous
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?Nope
4. Did anyone close to you die?yeah my grandma, but then again i wasnt close to her..
5. What countries did you visit? england (cambridge), india and japan! yay!
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? confidence sometimes, to do whatever i want and heck everything else. be more understanding of the people around me.
7. What exact date(s) from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 31st august, because everything changed forever. 3rd september.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? making so many new good friends, and being able to keep in touch with the old ones that i love a lot too.
9. What was your biggest failure? not being able to maintain certain r'ships because it's my fault, and sometimes not doing my best in stuff.
10. Did you suffer any illness or injury? nothing major, except STUPID ALLERGIES hahahaa
11. What was the best thing you bought?er, no idea?
12. Whose behaviour merited celebration? haha this question is strangely phrased, but i guess the people who mean a lot to me know.
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed??? hmm.
14. Where did most of your money go? clothes ><
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? overseas trips? it's a nice breather. and orientation (: despite really hating it at first because _______.
16. What song will always remind you of 2007? quite a lot, but maybe the hairspray soundtrack, and all the emo songs that are on my msn nick once in a while.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:i. Happier or sadder? Sadder I guess. because last year was so carefree and without regretz.
.ii. Thinner of fatter? hahaha fatter i think ):
.iii. Richer or poorer? Poorer!
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? nothing actually? maybe spend more time with certain people that i didnt really get to?
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? be less self-centred sometimes
20. How will you be spending Christmas? irrelevant haha
21. What's your one biggest regret? Not hugging you that day, and walking off without looking back because i was too upset.
22. Did you fall in love in 2007?
23. How many one-night stands?HAHA stupid question.
24. What was your favourite TV program?I have loads of favourite TV programs!
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? nope i think in general unless you piss me off damn badly, and there'snothing about you to like at all, i dont HATE people.
26. What was the best book you read? the unbearable lightness of bein, atonement etc.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? er nothing big!
28. What did you want and get? haha be careful with what you wish for, because it might actually come true and you realise you didnt want it after al.
29. What did you get and not want?--
30. What was your favourite film of this year?hairspray!
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 17. hahahaaa my very memorable birthday where i got pissed for the first half of it, but was damn happy overall. go to december archives la.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurable more satisfying? hmm.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007? er normal?
34. What kept you sane? girlfriends ftw <3
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? hmm so many i can't rmb.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? i'm pretty apathetic (:
37. Who did you miss? many many people, and i think they know so i shan't list.
38. Who was the best new person you met? too many to name, but likewise, you know who you are. because i would have told you if you meant a lot to me (:
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007. actually i think i learnt a lot. that will change my life pretty much forever. be careful with what you wish for, because it just might come true.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: i'm falling into memories of you.

sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. and yet sometimes they do, and sometimes i just wish you would realise that.

Sunday, February 17, 2008
okay photo time!


flowers <3>

take 5! haha it was really quite fun! haha received our crowns in the morning (: and were pretty proud of them! haha hung out with class for a while, before getting a call telling me that i was supposed to be playing dodgeball haha which i had no idea i was signed up for, and so rushed down to the dodgeball place. haha decided to play one game with the touchruggers before we forfeited the entire thing, and it was damn funny! haha cos like how it starts is that the balls are lined in the centre, so like you have to run from opposite ends to see who gets it first la. and the guy opposite me looked really meng and like xiong, so cherylteo told me: haha okay you run and grab the ball, i run and bang into him okay? so yes that was our grand plan! (and anyway haha he wasnt that fast i got the ball first anyway) but yeah she banged into him anyway and haha omg when we got back to the start line, we realised that her bang caused him to have a nosebleed zomg hahahhaaha i think we all couldnt help but laugh for damn long! and in the end us girls and our terrible soft throws were so ineffective we roped in sylvester and augie and some other guy to play for us, but on the whole everything was very fun :D

haha rushed to the shore to support oli and shiya kayaking, and made up a really funny cheer for them! and they were first in their leg (: so we hung around to support her team's last runner, and they got second overall! yay! and then watched talentime mostly, and went to play the gladiator! haha which was really fun haha (: and we laughed so hard at funny ppl playing haha! and then played some carnival games with some truggers haha.


ardent supporters of BALLS DROP!
bong and i on the gladiator hahaa more supporters photos!
and my favourite shot :D

went with pok jiaks and jolyn for lunch at the hongkong cafe near my house after that, before going to my house before the humanz party to bathe. and zomg the emotions running all around were just crazy, what with all the problems and dress crisis and everything sigh. gosh it's benone crazy week, with vday disappointments and things cropping up sigh.

so yes anyway the dress crisis was solved, and we headed down to andre's house. and haha this year's party was so much more tame than last years haha! but sigh there was this freaky incident and carmen and i were kind of scared haha so we just stuck to each other for the first part of the party haha! and then after that party, jiak's sis took her, hab and i to cold rock for ice cream! which is this really cool place where they mash up the ice cream and toppings on this ice plate! (: and yeah went home and was glad that the terrible week finally came to an end.

humanz party! haha look at the difference man hahahaaa

and ice cream at cold rock!

yday was a great day, comparative to the entire week which was a high strung week with lots of emotions running loose. and at so many point of the week i felt like just bursting into tears but okay thank goodness everything is better now.

had h3 in the morning at smu, which is really interesting, but cos i was really tired, i was dying trying to keep awake. then went for the pga tea session thing aka recruitment drive (tsktsk such a ploy!) but it was really nice seeing the other pga people, that i haven't seen in like one plus year! and haha we're all still the same as ever, laughing at retarded things and at each other and remembering all the funny camp memories haha.

rushed off for a haircut after that with karen, and we were both happy with it yay (: and we kept talking the hairdresser had to keep going shhh so she could give us advice on how to take care of our hair haha! then went to wisma's starbucks to study but it was quite unproductive hahaha! because in karen's words we just have too much to talk about hahaha! so yeah after like a while we decided to stop talking altogether so we could at least get something done haha! went for dinner at sakae after that, and our favourite haato! but haha omg i think i laughed so much yday, especially at recalling absolutely random moments that i had totally forgotten had happened, and which i had to dig out from the depths of my memories haha! but yay all the laughing yday totally helped my absolutely terrible week so yayyy (:

and today i did the most piggish thing EVER! i woke up at 6. SIX PM. NOT AM. i have no idea how i slept so much. sixteen hours oO hahaha! i rock (:

and okay yay it's past midnight! which means this terrible week has ended. sometimes it gets so crazy i just want to run into your arms but i know duhh i can't do that sighhhhhh thank god for friends though -LOVEEEEEEEEE!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

haha HAPPY VALENTINES DAY <3 haha although it really doesn't quite feel like vday haha since the last few days were spent doing term papers and like the atmosphere in general i guess.

well monday was school as usual, before pt and i went to longjohns with angel after training and we talked for a while which was great haha. we haven't done that in ages though. i remember in like early j1 we used to be so free, and shiya angel and i would go out ever so often after training to eat. how times have changed ): and omg pt is damn xiong i think we're all going to turn into muscle women soon :/

tuesday haha was quite fun :D went with val to the city hall/raffles city area after school, since we had a four hour break before training. and we went shopping before having a nice lunch and drinks at starbucks and studying for a bit! before rushing back to school for training. haha had dinner with karen and angel at macs after that, before taking the mrt with karen and kern all the way home because they had to go to the airport to see someone off. haha i haven't had company all the way on the mrt for AGES. haha

wednesday finished school damn early, then went for lunch with pok jiaks and jolyn at some ramen place and we ordered sapporo beer in our sch u and they just gave it to us haha! sigh was spent term papering haha!

today! vday! haha school was boring as usual, i had to struggle to keep my eyes open sigh. and after school i went to watch ps i love you with shun! which was really nice haha i kept tearing at the end of all the letters he wrote her ): haha and we rushed back for training respectively but haha i think we sort of got a kick out of the mad rush haha we were laughing quite hard (: and then we had training, which was not bad yay and everyone was giving presents and we took photo with our cute coaches haha! then after that angel karen shiya oli and i went for a lonely hearts dinner. crystal jade at taka was fully booked, so we headed down to coffee club for a yummy dinner yay (: OH but the funny thing was that like 5 minutes after we stepped into the building, the fire alarm rang, and we didn't know if it was like a false alarm, or a real fire, and we were quite scared haha! we were all just like :/ i dont want to die in a fire on vday at taka! hahaha (:

haha okay everything is really a brief summary cos i'm like really sleepy, but i think vday turned out not bad la (:

thank you augie, shun, kenneth, jasper, fifi, bong, janelle, jolyn for the flowers, and pok for the flower balloon (despite you pissing me off haha), and like to a lot of the touch jnrs who gave us cookies/ brownies/ chocs! to jiakang, angel, shiya, oli, pris, minmin, val, sabrina, nicole, rach, karen, hab, berny, shana, cherylw, cherylteo etc for your notes and presents, forgive me if i left you out because i'm really too tired to remember correctly ><

photos soon! (: shall sleep soon (:

Saturday, February 09, 2008
this year's new year was pretty awesome (: and turned out much better than the dismal one i was expecting since we're technically not supposed to celebrate.
thursday was spent with the family and extended family, and the funnest thing was playing blackjack at night, where my cousins who brought their bs/gfs just kept winning money cos of tao hua yun hahaha!

friday haha i woke up at 1pm! then went to uncle jeeming's party for a while, before going to jiak's party. where the moment i stepped in, her sister started (or rather continued) on my favourite discussion topic about jiaks, which made the sitting around talking crap really fun and funny all at once. played the wii for a while, and found out i got really bad at wii tennis ): then obviously we got lazy once again, and decided to switch to karaoke haha which was pretty funny. tried to get her prc friend to sing but he didnt want to, although it would only have been much to our amusement haha! but zomg her nephew is ADORABLE except that he calls all of us ah-yis Oo haha! then went back to uncle jeeming's party where we played blackjack again, before heading home.

today was by far the most exciting of all my chinese new year days! haha was one hour late for meeting karen shiya angel bong and pris for chinese new year visiting, where we trooped off to angel's house first. and her very cool parents offered us vodka and sprite, which we all kindly accepted and drank haha! and then hung out there for a while, before springing a surprise visit on bong's ho chwin HAHAAA! which was damn funny, we ended up watching 881 haha!

after that angel's mum kindly gave us a lift to oli's house, where five of us squeezed in the backseat haha! and then tadahh we arrived at oli's house, where we were treated to some really yummy food as her family had open house haha! and then we ate the food, and oli specially made some dessert thing for us, which was really yummy, and like she just whipped it up spontaneously! oh then we played cranium, which was really damn funny! BUT the funniest part definitely goes to when oli's family friend joined us, and we were played pictionary, and the word was "trampoline" but the thing is that on the card, the category says "CREATIVE CAT" and the word is at the bottom. however, he didn't see that, and so he thought the word was CREATIVE CAT. so while our team very quickly guessed the word, he was trying his best to draw a CREATIVE CAT. and when he finally gave up and told us what he was trying to draw, all of us just burst uncontrollably into laughter, and laughed for a good five minutes haha!

and then after that we went over to pris's house for a while, before it got quite late and her very nice dad gave us all a lift to the mrt. didn't get to visit augie though cos it was too late, if not we would have seen shirleytan cooking in the kitchen hahahahaha!

then went down to town with karen and bong, before meeting my family for dinner at long beach seafood restaurant, which was really yummy! and then we went to the bnjs at dempsey hill, where my cousin, her bf, my brother and i shared a tub. ahh tonight realy stretched my really tiny stomach to its limits hahahah! yupp so that concludes my very happening chinese new year (: now its back to the reality of tutorials and hw and term papers boo ):

but photos (:!

the really yummy cupcake that sabrina gave me that day (:
oli's meringue with cream and fruits (:
haha angel and karen while we were playing cranium! karen was the puppeteer and angel was the puppet!
YAY (: baby!
HAHAA MY BEST ANGPAO THIS YEAR! an autographed one by felicia chin, courtesy of karen YAY I LOVE YOU KAREN :D:D:D:D
at oli's house (:
trooping around! love you all (:

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
the past few days have been awesome (: and haha totally worth getting home late everynight haha!

monday was pt and before that i dragged pok to smu to register for h3 with me haha! and then went back for pt, which was quite slack so angel karen and i decided to be hardworking and run 5 extra rounds in preparation for out 4k run the next day! so bong and shiya were waiting very hungrily for us to come haha!

went to wheelock's nydc for dinner (my first time!) after lots of deliberation (or arguing more like haha) and it was really great fun crapping around, laughing like idiots at bong's file saga or recounting really funny and retarded experiences amidst eating yummy food (: haha i'm never bored when i'm with them la haha! and then after that we all went for haato, which was mainly what we went to wheelock for in the first place, and we decided that our next outing shall be at the haato cafe (: or dempsey road yippee (: and then we sat at the top of wheelock there and laughed even more, and gave bong her birthday present (which was basically the task mentioned in the previous entry) haha and told her she better wear it :D haha since it was what got me blisters from my stupid shoes haha and now almost everyone knows about angel's dressing room saga, which never fails to crack me up no matter how many times i tell it/ act it out. but ANGEL YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU TONS ANYWAY (: (: haha yay i think joining touchrug must be one of the best decisions i ever made (:

and then tuesday (can't really rmb what happened in sch as usual, except that i nearly died trying to keep awake during the 5 straight blocks) and then met val after history make up tutorial to have our weekly catching up haha (: and then we (okay fine, i) trudged down to the track in anticipation for our 4km run! haha and i seriously admire val's willpower? like she drank one cup of milo in the morning because she was fasting, and then she freaking ran her 4km in 20.04, while i ran it in 22.40 only? woahhhh hahaha but anyways the run wasn't as bad as i expected so yay (: and then training was rather eventful, with val being hit on the head by a soccer ball, and minmin getting some funny cramp haha! and dinner after that was yummy (: we had a steamboat dinner, and we got to know the exciting story behind derelyn and khai's romance, which was really cute and funny (: our coaches are <3 hahaha!

and woke up today then went out for a while before going home for reunion dinner, which was steamboat again! (: and then talked to melanie for a while before we got out wedding briefing by martin korkor, which is rather exciting :D i dont care we're going to heck the latecomers and sneak in to watch the wedding anyway haha! and then mummy made us all go to the temple, but for my reward i got my ice cream supply re-stocked :D so YESSS DUBLIN MUDSLIDE FTW HAHAH (: so yijun is now a really happy girl (:

and someone said something quite meaningful to me today, so i shall go off and think about it (:

Sunday, February 03, 2008
okay, overdue photos first (:

the huge meringue that jiakang and i ate that day, which made us super happy on a sugar high haha!
and the rainbow in the sky (: haha it's quite faint, but it's really pretty!
and our attempt at a jump shot,which is really quite funny, because everyone is getting ready to jump, and then you spy your eye on angel in the corner who looks so lazy hahaha

haha okay shall continue! haha friday was pretty fun, i guess. haha we played handball during pe, which is really such a retarded game. and we thrashed the other class even though we had 6 people against their 10 people plus mr seah haha. and we managed to bargain with him so we wont have to play this stupid game for another five weeks Oo

after school we went to practise for our beach fun touch for a while, which was pretty fun i guess haha but yeah angel and her adjusting specs story is really quite funny haha! then met pok after that to troop down to bugis aka the national library since she had to go find h3 lit stuff.

the bugis basement is really food heaven (: because we ate a bit before going to nlb, and after that went back there for dinner. and omg it was this total food escapade. actually it was more of pok's food escapade, considering my pathetic stomach capacity. we started of at yella fellas, eating the potato thing with cool sauces, but we chose wasabi mayo and we ate until we cried because the wasabi stang haha but it was good nonetheless. then we proceeded to soup spoon for mushroom stroganoff, before pok proclaimed: I AM STILL NOT FULL. so off we trooped to explore the basement stalls, where pok ate a stick of bbq beef and pork, youtiao with egg mayo, some strawberry cheesecake donut thing, mochi ice cream, and drank two cups of drinks (WHICH WERE HEAVENLY BTW) and after that decided that she was only 55% full when my stomach was positively bursting from eating like 1/5 of each of the items. haha. and it only occured to me after that that i forgot to take pictures of everything we ate ): haha and before we went to the nlb, we ate the korean streetsnacks thing, in addition to trying the greentea iceblended soy milk with red bean paste, which was omg damn nice! so yes (: EVERYONE SHOULD VISIT THE BUGIS BASEMENT (: pok would have eaten the rice wrap and more korean street snacks if i didnt stop her haha.
okay this was the only picture i took, which was of some mango thing with konnayaku jelly (:

yeah and i got home so late my mother walked into my room and said: ARE YOU SEEING SOMEONE. haha and i burst into laughter as always when she asks me this question haha.

saturday was when i finally slept in (: and woke up at 12, before meeting nicole at 1.40 for the mfa tea session thing, where we just saw lots of j3s haha, but it was really nice standing around and just talking, and catching up (: yayyy (:

and then met angel coincidentally at the mrt station then, and karen along the way to meet shiya. where we trooped around with a mission haha which totally killed my feet. all thanks to shiya, who told us not to go to the shop which was originally 10 metres from where we were, and so we walked all the way from marina bay to suntec and back again, only to find what we wanted at the original shop zz. haha but spending time with them is really fun anyway, talking lots of stupid shit haha and laughing until i got abs (:

yeah after our mission karen went off to meet her og, while shiya angel and i went to changing appetites for dinner, which was not bad! haha and because we hadnt accomplished the second half of our mission, which was to find angel a dress, we had to shop really quickly and purposefullly because it was quite late and shops were closing haha! but yes, we managed to find her a dress, much to our amusement with her dressing room fiasco, which was DAMN FUNNY HAHAHAHAAAA and like the shop keeper was so annoyed that she was taking so long she started chanting: go home, go home oO hahahahahahhaha omg i think i'm dying of laughter from recalling this incident hahaha if you want to know what it is, you can always ask me/ shiya, we can act it out for you HAHAHA! so yes i got home really late once again.

HAHA and the worst thing was that there was beach touch the next day (ie today) where we had to be at sentosa at 7.30 oO and at 1am last night shiya angel oli karen and i were having this totally retarded convo hahah! and we all got so high we couldnt sleep Oo haha but i managed to wake up anyway today!

cabbed with nicky and zhiwen haha at a totally unearthly hour, and the cab fare was 24 bucks Oo haha because we booked, and because nicky lives in like some super ulu inside place haha. but today was great fun, even though we only played two matches THANKS TO THE STUPID RAIN. and spent the rest of the afternoon shivering behind sleeping bags and under extra shirts of lifevests haha!
haha our team PHOENIXANGELPOWER is actually not bad! we won our opponents 7-0 and 7-1 (: haha and i think all the organisers were laughing at our name, but haha whatever we are pro (: and we were on our way to the quarters but then the rain came ):

and OMG haha in daryl's words it was like the tsunami like that haha. it was really crazy, we spent like an hour shivering and huddled up together, wearing extra shirts, and like koping lifevests from the surfers to gather whatever warmth we could, until some guy nearby decided to be self sacrificial and give us this sleeping bag, which was a total godsend in blocking out the wind and the rain! omg but it was seriously crazy la! haha but it was really fun singing songs and stuff haha. but then yeah they had to cancel the tournament, and i was so frozen i couldnt even walk properly. but in the end we made our way back to vivo where we went to carl's jnr to eat (:

and then cabbed home again with nicky and zhiwen (once again) because nicky wanted to "save time" from public transport hahaha. yes so that was my eventful today (: which although was disappointing due to match cancellations, was still much better than any other mugging sunday haha (:

look at the wind Oo

trying to keep warm:

under the big 100plus umbrella to help block the wind, and with extra shirts (:
haha theguys huddling with the lifevests!

and haha i realised our team shots are quite failure HAHA thanks to stupid nicky, who was much more interested in taking the girl in the lorry behind us, instead of taking photos for us Oo

so you see: the first shot, angel's not looking, she; giving this wth are you all doing look

the second shot, daryl's eyes are closed

the third shot, my eyes are only half open ):

yes and this is the girl nicky was taking a photo of: second from right, though i must admit she is quite hot hahahaha!

all the rj peeps (: i think we all look really nice together, cos we're in either red orange or white, so got gradient (:

haha (:


(: i am really happy this week (:

Saturday, February 02, 2008
this week has been not bad (: much better than last week (:

watched talentime on wednesday, which was not bad except we cringed quite a lot at certain performances haha but overall i think it was worth watching. and worth being late for matriculation for. speaking of which, smu is so retarded. we went down at 5.03 AND GUESS WHAT we couldn't register cos the freaking system automatically shuts down at 5pm sharp. and there i was thinking of going down and showing my ic and signing my name against this piece of paper or something haha.

thursday studied with shun first before training. haha yay it's quite nice to catch up with people considering how i have 4 hours to waste before every training pls Oo and then went for training, and the first thing we were made to do was run 2.4 Oo and then we had training, and played a game, which i am proud to say that i lasted the WHOLE 20 MINUTES YIPPEEE haha from my subbing out after 2 minutes, to 7 and now 20! but haha derelyn said that by like 10 plus minutes i was so tired i was brain dead then cannot play properly haha so i still must improve my stamina haha.

okay shall blog about friday and today another day. but today was seriously damn funny, what with laughing about smelly boys and angel's changing room fiasco and all HAHAHAHAHAA